Century roofing solar butters and skylights

Are Sun Tubes/Sun Tunnels Right for You?

How many Bay Area homeowners does it take the change a light bulb?

The answer is: None, if you’ve installed sun tubes and sun tunnels strategically in your home!

This is exciting news – particularly if want to save money, enjoy a little more natural sunlight (got to get that Vitamin D somehow!), and conserve heat and electricity. Sun tubes and tunnels can make your place look more beautiful and elegant without breaking the bank.sun tunnel

Beyond Electrical Lights – A Path Towards Luminousnes

Sun tubes and sun tunnels offer a different, exciting, stylistic way forward. They bypass problems associated with electrical lights. Here’s how they work. Sunlight pours through a small opening, which gets amplified and reflected into the room. The tubes and tunnels can be small – as small as 10 inches in diameter. But the lambent ambiance is perfect for cramped places, like laundry rooms, closets, hallways and bathrooms.

The tubes/tunnels are also great for “reconnecting” your home with the outdoors. Another plus: they’re relatively inexpensive. Your lighting and energy needs will likely drop, and you can save on both cooling and heating costs, indirectly. So the work should basically pay for itself over the long-term.

Also, let’s face it: there’s something about natural light from the sun that’s both aesthetically and potentially biologically superior to artificial light. You can install tubes and tunnels without revamping the support system of your roof or installing special joists to provide reinforcement.

If you’re interested in learning more about the solar tube or tunnel option for your Bay Area office, condominium, home, or apartment, the team here at Century Roof & Solar can meet your needs. Our Diamond Certified specialists understand solar solutions deeply.

Call us now at 888-233-7548, or learn more at www.centryroofandsolar.com.


before sun tunnel Before sun tube

after sun tunnel After sun tube


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