Century roofing solar butters and skylights

Posts Tagged ‘bill’

Solar Energy: The Next Standard Energy Source?

Since the 1970s – and perhaps well before – many pundits have proclaimed that a Golden Age of solar energy was “just around the corner.” Soon, they promised, solar would replace more polluting energy sources, such as coal and natural gas. In the decades since solar’s first “big promise,” the technology has seen its ups and downs. At this point, consumers are significantly confused. Where is solar at? Will the fabled solar energy revolution ever arrive? If so, when? Read the rest of this entry »

The Increasing Trend Of Skylights And Sun Tubes – See Why It Would Be a Nice Fit For Your Home.

Skylights and so-called “sun tubes” are becoming increasingly popular – not just among cutting-edge architects but also among “rank and file” building designers and homeowners. What’s changed about our collective attitude towards these features?1. First of all, skylights and sun tubes can help you save on electricity bills. Read the rest of this entry »